3 Reasons to Stop Listening to Your Customers

You’ve no doubt heard the ever-popular service phrase of “the customer is always right”. But is it really true?
We’ve put together three reasons you shouldn’t listen to your customer and what you should do instead.
1. You Are the Expert
The digital age we live in allows anyone to write whatever they want and share it on the internet for millions to see. In the fitness industry, many people feel a quick Google search will make them a master nutritionist or a professional personal trainer based on a single blog post they read. This can lead them to disagree or even berate those who have the proper education and training in this field.
While you should always take time to hear what your customers have to say, it’s vital you remember that you are the expert. Take the time to teach them the proper information and gently advise them of incorrect data they may have read in the past.
2. Customers Don’t Always Know What They Want
The great automobile innovator Henry Ford has been attributed with once saying, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
While faster horses may have been a possibility through new training methods, changes in their diet, and other adjustments, Ford chose to focus on developing an entirely new product instead. Read between the lines of customer feedback to determine the true source of the issue, how you can solve it, and how it will affect your customer’s buying journey.
3. People Share Opinions with Heightened Emotions
Though this is not always the case, many clients and customers tend to share feedback at points where they are either overly happy or greatly displeased with a product or service. These mindsets tend to lead reviews toward emotional responses that focus too much on personal problems and not on their overall experience.
To avoid this, a good practice is to get customer feedback immediately after their initial purchase, again after a set period of time during their use, and once after they have stopped using the product or service. You’ll be able to identify the varying factors at each stage of the process and make necessary changes to accommodate them.
Focus on Educating Your Customers
Regardless of everything said above, you should always give your customers the chance to provide feedback, whether negative or positive. Take everything they say into consideration, but remember that you are the one with the final say in your business.
Take the time to share your knowledge with them by using storytelling and other marketing practices. As you do this, you’ll find greater success and lead more people through their fitness journey.
Be sure to check out the soOlis blog for more ways you can benefit your fitness business.