4 Steps to a Good Fitness Storytelling Campaign

Recently we shared a list of benefits to using storytelling in your fitness marketing tactics. But before you can reap the rewards, you’ll have to put in the work.
Get started with these four steps to storytelling for gyms to promote your brand, build customer engagement, and gain a loyal following.
1. Set the Goal
Before you do anything else for your storytelling campaign, you need to determine the intent behind your efforts. Is the goal to get people into your gym for a tour? Do you want to add people to your email subscriber list?
Whatever it is, make sure your story emphasizes fitness marketing and has a clearly defined objective. Without that, you might as well be reading a children’s book to your customers. It simply won’t produce results.
2. Choose Your Target Audience
People across the world are trying to achieve a wide variety of fitness levels. Some want to lose weight and shed body fat, while others may want to gain mass and pack on some muscle. It would be extremely difficult to tell one story that would be of interest to both of these customer types at the same time.
Storytelling for gyms should have one focused persona you are trying to reach with your message.
3. Create & Share the Story
Once you know what you’re trying to accomplish and who the story is for, it’s time to compile all the necessary information. Find key details and statistics that will grab the attention of your viewers to provide value in your fitness marketing strategy.
And when you have all the data you need, generate written or video content to share it on your website, blog, and social media platforms.
4. Evaluate & Start Again
Whether you’re telling the story of your gym or other fitness-related material, most aspects of marketing require what is called A/B Testing. It is the process of producing multiple pieces of content that surround the same topic and determining what gets the most engagement from your subscribers, readers, or followers.
As you evaluate your findings of which one is the most successful, you can use those results as part of your plans for the next storytelling campaign.
Ready to Tell the World Your Story?
Fitness marketing can be a difficult venture due to how flooded the industry can feel at times. The use of quality storytelling for gyms can make a huge difference in customer engagement and getting people through your doors.
If you’d like help with your online marketing endeavors, get in touch with the SoOlis team today. We use powerful tools that generate real results!