Chatbots vs Apps

Which Is Better: Chatbots Or Mobile Apps?
There’s a debate, and there are plenty who are on either side. The side winning the debate right now tends to be that which favors Chatbots. There are quite a few ways chatbots can be exceptionally advantageous, and it’s expected that more than 80% of clientele interactions will be handled autonomously through such software options by year’s end. Here’s where the “crux” is.
Both mobile apps and chatbots are key means of maintaining customer relationships. Mobile apps are effective, but unless you can get yours to be regularly used by those who download it from you, there will be a steep drop off in the effectiveness of such apps to manage customer relationships.
In this writing we’ll go over several reasons why the professionals tend to favor chatbots over mobile apps in terms of digital methods to manage customer relationships. A few things you’ll definitely want to consider include:
- People Prefer Bots To Representatives, Reducing Messenger App Value
- Mobile Apps Are Getting Old, Boring, And Sometimes Even Irritating
- Expedited Communications Through More Streamlined Interaction
- Simplified Interaction Optimizing Customer Relationship Management
- A Potential For Cost Reduction From Several Angles
People Prefer Bots To Representatives, Reducing Messenger App Value
Representatives generally take longer to respond through a messaging app, and they may not have all pertinent information readily available. Additionally, they have the propensity to incidentally render incorrect information.
Meanwhile, chatbots can respond instantaneously, and if there is an issue that isn’t something they can take care of, they can certainly funnel clientele to the appropriate representative immediately. The majority of issues will be something the bot can handle, and those which aren’t represent a prime opportunity for conversion or up-sale.
Mobile Apps Are Getting Old, Boring, And Sometimes Even Irritating
Back when the iPhone was getting popular in 2008, everyone had that fun little “lightsaber” app. That was twelve years ago. Since then, mobile apps on smartphones have become ubiquitous, and operating them is often difficult. Furthermore, they take up time, and many users are flat-out bored.
So if this is what you offer when clients come to your company, it’s not likely to foster positive engagement. A few years ago it definitely would have. The winds of change have come. Chatbots, by contrast, are novel, effective, and burgeoning.
Expedited Communications Through More Streamlined Interaction
The majority of users who interact with a chatbot don’t even realize it. Oftentimes what users want to know is information that an automated AI can produce more swiftly and accurate than a representative interacting with the individual over an app. Also, apps that don’t include messenger functions have diminished interaction potential. Accordingly, chatbots are more efficient from either angle.
Simplified Interaction Optimizing Customer Relationship Management
Interaction is simplified through a bot. With an app there may be a FAQ section, some promotional section, and perhaps a messenger; perhaps not. With a chatbot, the client visits your site, the bot pops up, they type in their question, and they get their answer. It’s simpler, and more straightforward.
A Potential For Cost Reduction From Several Angles
If you have your own app, good luck getting it made for under $10k. It’ll likely be much more expensive. Also, you’ll need tech support, and you’ll have to manage it. Logging, upgrade, troubleshooting–the works will be necessary. A chatbot you just put in place. It saves money in acquisition, production, and management over an app.
What To Take Away
Well, chatbots save you money, simplify interaction in client relationship management, have novelty owing to their newness, and are preferred by many clients to apps. Unless you’ve got a very lucrative customer management option in place, consultants will likely recommend looking into chatbots.